X-Ray and Diagnostics


Used to evaluate the lungs, heart, ribs, and surrounding structures


This includes X-rays of specific body parts such as arms, legs, hands, feet, shoulders, hips, joints to assess for fractures, dislocations, or other injuries.


Often used to examine the abdomen for signs of bowel obstruction, kidney stones, or other abdominal conditions.


Used to evaluate the bones of the spinal column and assess for spinal injuries, arthritis, or other conditions affecting the spine.

An EKG test is used to quickly check the electrical activity of the heart and see if there are any irregularities that might require immediate medical attention or further evaluation by a specialist. It helps the healthcare providers assess heart health and ensure prompt care if needed.

Warning: If you are experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the arm, jaw, or neck, Call 911 and seek immediate medical attention at the nearest emergency department to ensure timely and appropriate treatment

  • Electrolyte Testing: This involves analyzing the levels of essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium in the body. It ensures proper organ function and overall bodily systems.

  • Glucose: This refers to the measurement of blood sugar levels, commonly used to assess diabetes or monitor how the body regulates glucose.

  • STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) Testing: This type of testing screens for infections transmitted through sexual contact, aiding in early detection and appropriate treatment.

  • Mono Screen: Mono screen is a test to detect infectious mononucleosis, commonly known as mono. It helps identify the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus.

  • Pregnancy Tests: Pregnancy tests involve examining urine or blood samples to detect the presence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, indicating pregnancy.

  • Rapid Flu and Strep: Rapid flu and strep tests enable swift diagnosis of influenza (flu) and streptococcal infections (strep throat). These tests are quick and accurate, allowing for timely treatment decisions.